It's American Idol Results time. Let's get busy. Don't forget to vote for your favorite Idol right here on the right hand side of this page.
Well, we have 10 guys and 10 girls now, and it's time to eliminate 2 of each this week. They are singing songs from the 70's. Alot of Idol this week.
01 Michael Johns - "Go Your Own Way"
Randy " I liked it, you can sing"
Paula - "Great way to start off. You got the whole crowd going"
Simon - "It was o.k. It was coasting along. Very weak choice of song"
02 Jason Castro "Your Everything" (Bee Gees)
He is so awesome ! I love him. ADORABLE
Randy - "Vocals weren't that great"
Paula - "I think he's cute. Clever choice of song"
Simon - "The song was horrible. It didn't go together"
03 Luke Menard "Killer Queen"
Randy - "I thought it was pretty good"
Paula - "You picked a good song"
Simon - "It was a mistake. You dont have charisma or personality"
04 Robbie Carrico "Hot Blooded"
Randy - "I don't know if rock is really your thing, but you did a pretty good job"
Paula - "You played it safe"
Simon - "The vocals were good"
05 Danny Noriega " Don't you Remember"
Is this guy a flamer or WHAT??? He's fuuny. I Kinda like him.
Randy - " Just let it go.
Paula - " You've got amazing vocal skill. You need to forget about us"
Simon - "It was better than last week. You look terriffic on camera"
06 David Hernandez "Papa was a rolling stone"
He was a gymnastics guy?? People are weird....anyway .
This guy was the best out of the first 6.
Randy - "This is the David we fell in love with. thats how to put it down"
Paula - "Your voice is so pure. It was perfect "
Simon - " Best vocal of the night so far."
07 Jason Yaeger " Without Love"
Randy - "You didn't do yourself any justice"
Paula - "It didn't show your vocal range"
Simon - " It was awkard and ordinary."
08 Chekezie " I Believe"
Randy - "This is the guy we fell in love with. that was blazin"
Paula - "Very clever. It was brilliant"
Simon - "You look better. You sounded better. A Million times better than last week"
This guy was awesome this week. I think I;ve got new favorites!
09 David Cook "All Right Now"
Randy - "To me, you;re our real rocker."
Paula - "David, you are the real deal.It was very smart"
Simon - " It was solid"
10 David Archuletta " Imagine"
Randy - " One of the best vocals I've ever heard on this show"
Paula - " One of the most moving performances I've ever heard"
Simon - "Very risky. You're the one to beat."
OK My picks for the 2 going home - JASON YAEGER and LUKE MENARD